The Brief_Develop the packaging for a basic cheese slab sold in supermarkets. The packaging should stand out in the dairy fridges, act as a silent salesman on shelf and communicate the nutritional and other attributes of the cheese.
The Concept_The packaging is pre-moulded into 30gram blocks to suit your needs and minimizes waste and is easy to use. The package is available for three different  portion sizes to suit different lifestyles - for family, singles and for take outs.
The Execution_The look and feel is simple and clean. The material used for the outer packaging is textured paperboard, which contributes to the aesthetic look. This part of the packaging not only helps to keep protect and keep the product fresh, but also adds to shelf impact. To ensure freshness, both the outer packaging and the inner wax paper packaging come with re-sealable sticker lids. 
Project Overview
Labels Front
Resealable stickers with a simple logo design on a textured paperboard that contributes to the aesthetic look.
Inside packaging of Slab of Gouda is wax wrapping with a pattern that commicates the concept of easy to use. The wax wrapping protects the cheese and keeps it fresher for longer.
Promotional Item_Utensils
Slab of Gouda makes cooking and baking much easier because you don’t have to measure or cut. 
Promotional Item_Apron
Promotional Item_Magnets
Cheese Packaging


Cheese Packaging

Cheese Packaging: Slab of Gouda
