Raw Brand Cereal
Branding | Product Dresign | Package Design
This a project to create the product design and branding for Raw brand cereal. Raw, with the motto "unprocess your mornings" is a an natural orgnaic cereal that is oat and granola based which is culitvated using responsible and sustanable practices. The cereal would penetrate the higher-end healtful cereal market sector which is a sucessful blossoming market. The incentive was to capture what the brand was about, giving everything in the raw. The type faces, colors, and escpailly imagery, with simply scattered ingridents litering the design, all alluded to his theme. Soft, warm tones were used to reflect the colors of these ingridients as well as create an inviting, mellow mood.
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Raw Cereal

Raw Cereal

Product design for a healthful, all organic cereal named Raw.


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