Theobroma Cacao
Theobroma Cacao cake stemmed from my new found passion for chocolate, from it's origins to the process of crafting delicious bonbons and bars. It was important to design and execute a cake which represented the anatomy of cacao, from blossom to fruit. I wanted the final piece to serve as a visually attractive focal point and educational sculpture. There were four requirements for this cake:

Through the use of a natural color palette, exaggerated proportions, and simple slab-serif typography, Theobroma Cacao could be a three dimensional excerpt from Webster's Pictorial dictionary. 

Hand painted gumpaste cacao pods, leaves and blossoms using edible petal dust.
Theobroma cacao blossom in gumpaste. This central flower was constructed in additions from the five outer petals to the stamen. Realistically only the size of your pinky fingernail, I chose to magnify a single flower to show off the complex detail.

Theobroma Cacao

Theobroma Cacao

Specialty cake designed, sculpted and assembled around the theme of Theobroma cacao and it's stages of growth.
