Final design
We focused on ordering the products sections to the amount of visits we get for each one, the clear call to action uses language that doesn't try to sell at this point. We want to encourage users to look deeper into the product, using the product page as the landing page.
Product page
This is a typical product page, some elements are custom because of the type of product that it is.
Emphasis on educating the customer in order to make an informed decision.
The analytics from the old site told us that customers were unsure of the differences of the 2 main products, managed and self-managed servers.
We introduced a visual measurement section that breaks down the differences.
Our use of imagery relates to the typical type of customer, for managed servers we investigated the data and randomly selected a number of actual customers and found that they didn't fit into that typical enterprise business. We opted for casual studio visuals instead of suits and board room meetings. 
First iteration / concept
The goal of this redesign was to bring the most clicked items which is displayed in the dropdown onto the page.
This includes the popular web hosting products as well the premium services.
Hosting Website

Hosting Website

Hetzner Website redesign


Creatieve disciplines