Perfil de Ranjit Menon

SENSEG - Interaction Design

06.2011 - 09.2011      Helsinki, Finland

SENSEG - interaction design intern

Senseg’s patented technology enables users of touchscreen devices such as tablet computers to feel tactile sensations on their skin, including textured surfaces, contours and edges.
It was in this firm that I worked interning as interaction designer for two and a half months. Designing and crafting the multimodal dimensions were a key aspect of my interaction design work there. There was a steep yet incredibly enriching learning curve that comes with new paradigms of interactive interfaces. 
Key roles fulfilled by me:
- Design (graphics, interaction, usability and user testing)
- Game concepts
- R & D work and patent manual
- API development
Apart from the natural use case for the blind, soon Senseg technology will be able to simulate textures to a high degree of  simulation for API.
SENSEG - Interaction Design
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SENSEG - Interaction Design

i worked as interaction designer for Senseg. they have developed a unique patented technology called E-sense, which is a comprehensive solution i Ver mais

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