a robot made out of shoeboxes..
I was invited to the Sneakerness which was held for the first time in Amsterdam this year. The plan was to get as many shoeboxes there together as possible and build things/robots/characters/toys on the spot. As I didn't want to come completely unprepared I used a shoebox template made by Matthijs aka [MCK] and thought up a little robot which I then wanted to change into the big-ass BOXbot at the event.

The BOXbot consists of ten cartons and stood about a little more than a meter tall.
With the aid of Ant, one half of the almighty Dolly Oblong and Marten aka 3eyedbear the character came to live at the event.

For next year, we have even bigger plans - can't wait for it!
First attempt with just the box-form.
Second and final form with some "shaped" boxes.
Final version put together with 10 Patta x Kangaroos shoeboxes.


A papertoy robot made of sneaker shoeboxes for the sneakerness amsterdam.
