“le donne. il mare sembrava, tutto d’un tratto, averle aspettate da sempre. a credere ai medici,
stava lì, da millenni, perfezionandosi pazientemente, nell’unico preciso intento di offrirsi
come unguento miracoloso da offrire alle loro pene, dell’animo e del corpo.”

 _ Alessandro Baricco, "Oceano Mare"
"Women. Suddenly it seemed the sea had always waited for them. Listen to doctors,
it had been there, for millenniums, patiently aiming at perfection, with the only intent
to offer itself as a fantastic unguent to women's pains, for soul and body"
While diving in deep abyss or in crystalline water we are amazed by how many beauty is equally in both of them.  Nature creature's beauty is frail, nonetheless it doesn't fear darkness, neither bright light.
These porcelain creatures want to be like nature and give women who will wear them,
a talisman,
remind them that fragility is itself beauty.
Marine (porcelain) Creatures
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Marine (porcelain) Creatures

Jewels of my life had always been symbols of a memory. Special gift or personal purchase, they had always been strictly connected to a special, p 詳細を表示

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