Alex Freitass profil

Game - Operation Risk (Banco do Nordeste do Brasil)

Operation: Risk
Educational games can also be fun!
With the success of The Risk project, it was inevitable that we were pressured to produce a continuation of the campaign. And thus was born the project Operation: Risk.

From the beginning we had the intention of not repeating the same strategy of the previous campaign. We didn´t want to present a predictable solution, along the lines of The Risk. We decided to present the proposal for something that was not an ARG - Alternate Reality Game. This time, we would develop a true computer game with all the nuances and rules implicit in the project.

The game Operation: Risk had the consulting game designer Daniel Gularte, who helped propose a format for the challenge and a set of rules that would incentive the player to use the application.

The model adopted was the quiz, where the main character - a security consultant in a bank - would move through the settings and interact with objects and people, attending a session of questions and answers that would add points to his performance . The system of awarding medals would help differentiate the different levels of outcome for each participant.

Besides the character design concept (with the help of Maciel Junior), my participation in Operation: Risk was performed by programming in the language Action Script 3.0. The development, structured by layers, sought to control the various aspects intrinsic to the game: scoring, timing, movement, collisions, use of sound etc. It was a year and a half learning how to build a game from scratch, but the result was worth it.

For the launch, we proposed an intervention within the headquarters of Banco do Nordeste. A cube representing a pixel - which is the smallest unit of measurement within a graphics system - was built in the middle of the square JaderColares , arousing the curiosity of people who passed by. They were invited to enter this huge pixel and use the workstations running the application, competing with each other in order to win prizes.

The campaign lasted two weeks, and once again there was great support of the employees of Banco do Nordeste. Hopefully the next effort will be as challenging as this, keeping up the great teamwork.

Set of rules and guidelines: Daniel Gularte.
Concept Art and Development: Alexandre Vidal.
Concept Art: Maciel Junior.
Character designs.
Building the structure for the launching day.
The big pixel.
Square Jader Colares.
Game - Operation Risk (Banco do Nordeste do Brasil)

Game - Operation Risk (Banco do Nordeste do Brasil)

A quiz game used as an efficient educational tool.
