Winner - Silver
Competition: Spark:Graphic
Designer: hyunmi Kim - Creative director
Design Type: Branding 
Company / Organization : NBT Partners 
Cashslide, one of the fastest growing companies in Korea in the past 2 years, is the first mover globally in developing a mobile advertisement platform utilizing the lock-screen of smartphones. It has evolved into a prominent mobile advertisement company, encompassing 1/5th of domestic population.
Cashslide, which allows users to earn cash by unlocking the smartphone after seeing advertisements on the lock-screen, has built a unique brand identity by blending “yellow” (symbolizing color of cash) and “circular” (symbolizing shape of coins) with simple and minimal design.
We have created various different characters that go along well with different cluster of advertisers and utilized these characters in our brochure, interior, and various media channels. Consequently, we were able to provide a coherent brand experience as a leading online advertisement company with friendly and youthful flavor.
Brand Identity 
Communication - 3.05 Brand Identity

hyunmi Kim / Creative director
cashslide Branding
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cashslide Branding

Cashslide, one of the fastest growing companies in Korea in the past 2 years, is the first mover globally in developing a mobile advertisement pl Daha Fazla Bilgi

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