FLEX/ design's profile

Product design: CableTurtle

 A true design classic
The CableTurtle offers a solution for excess cables on electrical equipment, headphones, chargers, etc. It is an exaple of product design that puts a smile on people's faces
Worldwide people buy hundreds of thousands of CableTurtles every year. This design has become the flagship of the Cleverline product range and transformes 70gr of Polypropylene into something that sells for more than €10,-. Since the introduction in 1995 the CableTurtle has been a big success as an interior accessory, a solution for problems with cables and as a nice gift for many different occasions. Attracting distributors all over the world, the CableTurtle almost sells itself automatically. FLEX/the INNOVATIONLAB has created a real 'million seller' with this innovative product.
Cleverline is part of Multibedrijven Rotterdam who provides emplyoment to people with physical and mental challenges. Less priviledged people in our society are offered a chance on quality employment. They have real capabilities and with the CableTurtle these capabilities are used to create real economic value.
We can proudly say that the CableTurtle has won many prestigeous design awards worldwide: rote punkt, iF (gold / best of 10), Clio award, etc. It is also part of the permanent collection of the MoMa in New York. The CableTurtle has become one of the design icons of the 'ninties' and is widely published (domus 1997, Form 1998, Dutch Design of the 20th century 2003, Humble Masterpieces 2006, Phaidon Design Classics) 

The CableTurtle is a product design by FLEX/the INNOVATIONLAB offering a simple solution to excess lenghts of cable
The CableTurtle has won many international design awards and is part of the permanent collection of the MoMa
Product design: CableTurtle