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Wow!!  What’s just happened? A somewhat fashionable eruption of modernity has hit Austria’s primary city- Vienna.  We are in a world confronted with a social chaos. There is no ‘real’ future. It merges the spirit of the past and the essence of today.
Fashion will always determine the ‘new’-likewise modernity; except it will be surpassed with something ‘newer’.  It’s irrational and such definitions will remain a contradiction. This is back to the future; a distinction between the past and present of Vienna’s glory, at the edge.
Hotel Imperial was where the shoot took place; it dates back to 1863. Drawing attention to elegance, elaborate ornamentation and sumptuous surroundings-its suite became the perfect location for the backdrop. And such an Inspiration was found deep inside the minds of NINETEEN74; a project consisting of thirty, or more people from designers, models and stylists alike. The photographer Jürgen Knoth flirted with the idea that Vienna as a city has finally been recognised for its fashion but rather its history. Consider this masterpiece, a vibe synonymous to the Baroque period.
They’ve done it again and following the success and the initial concept of London’s Calling, Raoul Keil and Nicholas Hardy were itching to push things forward; only this time, it was Vienna’s turn to break the mould.
For now, Vienna’s desire to change and to revolutionize a new generation is disrupted by ‘haunted’ past- what was once a promise is now a threat to their future.  

Get all the info at Nineteen74.com
