Profil von Sergio Chaves

McCardinan's secret glory

La gloria secreta de McCardinan
"McCardinan's secret glory" a new illustration for "cuentos para niños con barba" (tales for kids with beards).
UPDATE!! "Butrón, cuentos para niños con barba" (Butrón, tales for kids with beards). Is Live on itunes, for ipad, and you can download it here (I'm not sure if it has region restrictions or anything like it, so try it :D) or you can see it web-based here.
"Cuentos para niños con Barba" is a transmedia project form Colombian Author David Rios. You can follow it here. (A big launch is gonna happen with this project soon, tell your friends).
This image is from one of the many story lines you will find. You read it here
A piece about madness and long past, but never forgotten, fears.
McCardinan's secret glory

McCardinan's secret glory

New illustration for "Cuentos para niños con Barba", a transmedia project form Colombian Author David Rios.
