Profil appartenant à Oz Durose

11Seconds - Super Toaster!

My entry for September 2014's 11 Seconds Club.
The final animation, fully rendered with a nice background. See some milestones of the animation process below. I watched the last version several times in quite a bit of detail, trying to smooth out some bits I wasn't quite happy with, but I think this works.
Hope you enjoy!
The first stage of animation, blocking out the major Atittudes, Acting beats and Textures to make sure that the timing and shape is roughly correct before going into the main bulk of the animation.
Once I was happy with the poses and initial timing, I converted all of the stepped keys into splines, and neatened them up a little.
Then I added the lip sync, still working on some major movements, and adding some secondary tweeks.
11Seconds - Super Toaster!
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11Seconds - Super Toaster!

Malcolm is a little confused, bless him. SUPER TOASTER! The animation was created by myself using AnimSchool's Malcolm Rig. Enjoy!

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