Angie Reyes sin profil

A Poster A Day (Movies)

Day 1 - Hugo
Day 2 - Oblivion
Day 3 - Spirited Away
Day 4 - Her
Day 5 - Source Code
Day 6 - Lore
Day 7 - Wadjda
Day 8 - Maleficent
Day 9 - Ender's Game
Day 10 - Monsieur Lazhar
Day 11 - The Cabin In The Woods
Day 12 - The Hunt (Jagten)
Day 13 - The Departed
Day 14 - Prisoners
Day 15 - Amelie
Day 16 - The Fault In Our Stars
Day 17 - Flight
Day 18 - Pan's Labyrinth
Day 19 - Enemy
A Poster A Day (Movies)


A Poster A Day (Movies)

I decided to do a personal project: to design one poster per day for 30 days, containing memorable images, elements or objects from the films I w Se mer


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