Perfil de Nicolas Mirguet

On The Road from Paris to Sydney

On The Road
Selected views over the road we rided from Paris to Sydney in 2009-2010 during our 6 months incredible journey on a 125cc motorcycle.

Doing a trip from Paris to Sydney on a motorcycle is the perfect project to be able to do some nice pics over and over. I tried to find at least some photographic themes to explore during this trip. One of them arrived logically "en route", the simple road. Sometimes smooth, sometimes hard, it was where we passed the most of our time during this trip and where we enjoyed incredible experiences... Now I can't see a road without thinking of where I could end up by riding it. 
This what I tried to captured in those pics : the power of the road to make you want to move and see what's behind.
On The Road from Paris to Sydney
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On The Road from Paris to Sydney

Various empty road views taken during a 6 months trip from Paris to Sydney on a 125cc motorcycle.

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