Luddo .s profil

Apartment Therapy Icons


Apartment Therapy

Apartment Therapy is a pioneering brand in design and lifestyle content. Renowned for its commitment to providing inspiration and practical solutions for everyday living. With its diverse portfolio, including The Kitchn, Cubby, and Dorm Therapy, Apartment Therapy offers expertise across various facets of home and lifestyle, catering to the diverse needs of its audience.

As part of their recent site relaunch project, I had the privilege of collaborating with them to design a set of main icons for their homepage. From Photos to Decorating, House Tours, and more! these icons capture the essence of Apartment Therapy's ethos and commitment to inspiring and practical living solutions with simple illustrations that depict everyday situations.

Excited to share the final results with you – hope you find them as inspiring as I did!

Thanks for tuning in! 
Don't forget to say hi on Instagram!

Apartment Therapy Icons


Apartment Therapy Icons
