Free Your Staff
A mobile app for students
About the project: Free Your Stuff is a product designed to facilitate the process of acquiring and donating unnecessary items for students who are changing their place of residence, ensuring that it is done in the most efficient and user-friendly way possible. The mobile application is a student project as part of UX/Product Design studies at SWPS University. I am co-designing it with four colleagues.

For whom: For students changing their place of residence.

My role: After creating the idea for the application with the team, we conducted research, and created personas. At this stage, I was responsible for preparing interview scenarios and analyzing the results, as well as presenting conclusions (e.g., through Rainbow Sheets). In the strategy stage, I handled analysis of inspirations and competitors. During the modeling and prototyping part, I was responsible for crafting the information architecture and Scenario 1, which includes user registration and log-in (scenario, user flow, wireflow, mid-fi prototype, copy).

Below you can check the mid-fi project:
Scenariusz 1 (User scenario 1) - Registration/Log-in
Scenariusz 2 (User scenario 2) - Adding an item
Scenariusz 3 (User scenario 3) - Search, add to favorites, and expressing interest
Scenariusz 4 (User scenario 4) - Adding the need
Scenariusz 5 (User scenario 5) - Complete the deal and verification of the completed transaction
Free Your Staff

Free Your Staff

