Kim Panella 님의 프로필

A Personal Hand Lettering & Illustration Project

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I remember picking these as a kid and carrying them around in my pockets. When the season was in every kid had them.
Way back in the day before Apps we had devices and this was one of those devices that was born in the 70's, the Little Professor.
I will never forget the sound of these things jumping in their little plastic contatiners at all the cash registers in the stores. They were deafening, yet I had to have some.
Living next door to my grandparents, we always worked together to grow a large garden every year. My grandparents grew up in hard times and had very little so living off of the land was...continue reading
The Boom Box. How could one ever forget this iconic piece of equipment? I will never forget a summer trip to a local park on
I always loved going to the fair when it came to town. We always had a blast and its now something I do with my kids every year. PS While visiting my parents this week I found my old slate chalkboard in a box of my old toys and decided to use it to for todays post.
Summer has so many fond memories for me but there is one that stands out ...Contiue Reading
I remember as a kid hearing my Grandma talk about her best friends brother who was ... Continue Reading
It was the summer of 1976 and I will never forget Mickey dressed in .... Read More
I will never forget catching lightning bugs as a kid. My cousin and I would get ... continue reading
For me, there is something so magical that happens when I gaze at the night stars. Endless possibilities are opened and I love how even a quick glance up sets my imagination free and fills me with such wonder.  It gives perspective.  Tiny me - BIG BIG WORLD... Read the rest of the post on
I will never forget all the fun times I had as a kid roller skating at our local skating rink. I did have my own skates but nothing like the pretty pink ones I drew up for today's post... Read more
I remember watching Wonder Woman tackle crime wearing this tiny little suit and all I wanted was to be like her. Wow, if I could just wear her outfit and have that magic lasso nothing could stop me. Or so I thought. Continue Reading
I remember seeing a lot more honey bees growing up as a kid. Maybe that's because I spent a lot more time outside but I have noticed that I just don't see the large amounts of bees like I used to. They are amazing little creatures that are responsible for much of the food that comes to our tables and many of us never realize it. Continue Reading
I always loved the blue eggs because they reminded me of Robin eggs. Still true today the blue ones are my favorite. Continue Reading
As a kid I knew Spring and Easter were close when I saw these pretties blooming in my Grandma's yard. Even today I can't see them without thinking of her or this time of year. Continue Reading
As a kid my grandparents always planted a huge garden and together we all tended and harvested it. It would sustain 3 families through the coming winter and beyond. Continue Reading
Did you have one of these growing up? My parents actually still have mine along with all the slides. I had the talking View-Master and I think it still works to this day! Continue Reading
Do you remember these fuzzy must haves from the 80's? I sure do and I had a pair too. They went with my Sony Walkman and together they changed the world! Suddenly you could have a soundtrack play along with life no matter where you were. Continue Reading
As a child of the 70's the Juicy Fruit commercials stand out in mind for two reasons. They had a fun jingle. Secondly, what kid wouldn't dream of having a tree that yields packs of chewing gum? Continue Reading
Do you remember making snow angels? I sure do. Growing up with snow was fantastic fun. As adults we don't see the fun as much as we did as kids but it's fun to think back and remember winter fun.
Do you remember these lovely heart shaped candies in the little boxes with the peek-a-boo window? I do and I still have to get a box every year. Continue Reading
I remember going for walks with my Papa and there was a tree we passed that had old carvings in it. It was an beautiful birch tree that had a smooth silvery bark and had stood there for ages. The letters were near impossible to read because...Continue Reading
If you didn't catch her the first time she'll be back July of 2061! Continue Reading
I remember when music was stored on a thin piece of tape and protected inside that hard plastic box; the cassette. And you could always tell the cassettes that were loved because...Continue Reading
Do you remember Drive-In Theaters? Even though they were on their way out after I came along we still had a fully functioning Drive-In Theater a close drive from home in...Continue Reading
Before Cartoon Network, Saturday mornings were ours. It was that one day of the week that was designed just for us kids. From around 7am until noon we had...Continue Reading
I remember seeing spots after any picture was taken. The flash was lethal and if memory serves me correct that pretty blue flash bulb had to be changed after each use. When I look at this camera I can’t help but get a little ...Continue Reading
This is where it's at for me. My heart revolves around my family and is the topic of this weeks I Remember WHENSday. I find it most fitting too because the holidays...Continue Reading
The best part about making Christmas cookies with my Grandma wasn't the cookies. It was ...Continue Reading
The excitement of Christmas as a kid was always amazing but the thought of having Christmas with snow was even more tantalizing. I will never forget ... Contiune Reading
I remember when I had these all over the laces of my tennis shoes. I didn't have expensive Nikes but ...Continue Reading
Thanksgiving was always a fantastic time growing up. Our entire family would always gather at my Grandparents home for food and laughter. There were two things my cousin and I always looked forward to...Continue Reading
Ever scared anyone with the loud bang of the Paper Popper? Ever tested who’s plane could go the distance, told someone’s fortune with the Cootie Catcher or played a good of game of Paper Football? Paper Games are so simple yet so fun. Continue Reading
So today's post goes to the early adapters, the gamers, the all around Big Bang Theory Geeks and ... Continue Reading
For me this box of crayons right here was the perfect tool in school and a must have. Every year I got...Continue Reading
Today's I Remember WHENsday is a throwback to  when candy cigarettes and bubblegum cigars were common place in the candy aisle. Yeah, I was known to fake smoke my entire pack when I got them. Continue Reading
Who can resist dressing up and getting paid in candy? As a kid my Mom always bought me a wax harmonica. Talk about a dilemma. Continue Reading
As a kid, before kids and now after kids, October has always meant pumpkin carving! It's a tradition. I've always looked forward...Continue Reading
Many countless hours spent playing Space Invaders, Pong and Frogger with my cousin. This is how we managed snow days...Continue Reading
I remember having rotary phones in the house as a kid and they were frustrating. >> Fast Forward decades later and I would love to have one these in my home office. Oh and in this color ..Continue Reading
If you were in the 80's you know about the hair. Stiff with spray and loaded with gel. It was the stuff great hair was made of. Continue Reading
I guess this post should really be titled I Remember Classrooms Before Whiteboards since ...Continue Reading
I remember the day I got my very first puppy. She had ran under a house with all her little brother and sisters to hide...Continue Reading and see the real Muffin.
Oh how I dreamed of being able to go hang out with Jeannie in her bottle and lounge on all her pretty pink pillows.  From a little girls perspective it was ...Continue Reading
As a kid I remember when my Dad told me a story about a young Indian boy named Falling Rocks who ...Continue Reading
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A Personal Hand Lettering & Illustration Project

A Personal Hand Lettering & Illustration Project

I Remember Whensday is a personal hand lettering and illustration project where I re-create memories from my childhood and beyond. It's a persona 자세히 보기
