Perfil de Vartika Bhardwaj

Brand Identity Design for GSDP

"Green and Sustainable Development
Partnership (GSDP)"

This freelance project was undertaken for Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) to design the brand identity for the Green and Sustainable Development Partnership (GSDP), a collaboration between India and Germany focused on achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The brief included creating logo concepts as well as for GSDP, incorporating either the acronym or a pictorial symbol representing the partnership's concept as well as creating a brand identity for the same. The client specifically asked to come up with variations with different approaches to the partnership's ideology and to design keeping both Indian and German Audiences in mind.

Establishing Color Palette, Typeface and Brand Tone
Keeping the objectives and background of the project in mind, a color palette and brand tone was established. A clean and professional typeface combination was chosen following the tone of the project.

Logo Concept I

Inspired by the captivating motifs of “Gond Art,” a cherished folk art of India that beautifully celebrates the profound connection between nature and life through vivid visual narratives, our concept vividly illustrates GSDP’s three pillars and their pivotal role in fostering a truly sustainable environment for the betterment of humanity. The deer, symbolizing life, intertwines seamlessly with the motif of “The Tree of Life,” giving rise to the given logo iterations.

Logo Concept II

The logo design symbolizes the collaborative partnership and unified effort of participating nations through a creative interlocking framework formed with the letters. This visual representation reflects the essence of partnership and communicates the strength and unity derived from collective efforts towards shared goals. The interplay of letters in the logo serves as a powerful metaphor for harmonious collaboration among diverse nations, showcasing international cooperation and unity.

Logo Concept III

The logo concept captures GSDP's three core pillars using symbolic abstract forms. The Bilateral pillar, centered on renewable energy, is symbolized by abstract waves representing sustainable energy sources like wind or water power, embodying fluidity and innovation. The Trilateral pillar, emphasizing partnership and cooperation, is depicted through abstract forms of shaking hands, symbolizing collaboration and unity among multiple parties. Lastly, the Multilateral pillar, focusing on achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), is represented by incorporating Roman numerals, particularly XVII, to signify the global objectives for environmental conservation, education, and equality. Together, these symbolic elements visually communicate GSDP's commitment to sustainable energy, collaborative partnerships, and universal progress towards a more equitable and sustainable future aligned with the SDGs.

Other Collaterals

For each of the three logo options, accompanying collateral materials were developed to evoke the distinctive mood and essence envisioned for the brand. These collateral pieces were designed not only to showcase the logos but also to illustrate how each concept can seamlessly integrate into the brand's visual identity, effectively conveying the desired tone and personality.

This project was created as part of a freelance opportunity for the Green and Sustainable Development Partnership (GSDP) and only contains the work of the first two phases. The last phase work has not been included due to certain project developments.

Brand Identity Design for GSDP


Brand Identity Design for GSDP
