Profil użytkownika „Leigh Grubbs”

World Positive Report 2024


Pineapple SF

Editorial Design
Infographic Design

The World Positive Report is an annual publication by Obvious Ventures that aims to showcase the positive impacts its portfolio companies are having on humanity, industry, technology, and the world. Focusing on the three main pillars of Obvious' investment strategy— Sustainable Systems, Healthy Living, and People Power— this book departs from the traditional impact report by leveraging its impressive portfolio statistics with thoughtful, human-focused storytelling and striking design.

For the 2024 report, I worked with Pineapple, San Francisco in collaboration with the Obvious team to bring to life this year's report theme:

The world's most pressing problems, from the climate crisis, to financial insecurity, to chronic disease, form a vast and intricate puzzle. Obvious is working to solve this puzzle by decoding the connections between these problems, and investing in scalable solutions.

To fit this theme, we created a modular, Swiss style-inspired design language for the book's layouts and infographics. We gave unique attention to each company's profile within the book, letting their individual brands, values, and stories shape the layouts, colors, and imagery while remaining cohesive with the overall report. Our joint team also worked with renowned puzzle master Scott Kim, known for his innovative contributions to the world of visual puzzles, optical illusions, and games, to add an element of intricacy and surprise to this year's report in the form of a multi-layered puzzle hidden inside the book. This combination of elements proved a challenging yet satisfying design journey, and the finished product is at once a visually impactful report, a thought-provoking read, and a challenge to its readers: can you solve the puzzle?

World Positive Report 2024


Projekt wykonany dla

World Positive Report 2024

Highlighting the companies that are creating new solutions to the world's challenges, one piece of the puzzle at a time.
