Profil appartenant à Leigh Grubbs

Near Future Summit 2022


Pineapple SF

Event Brand Identity
Web Design
Presentation Design
Event Signage

Near Future is an annual three-day gathering of visionaries across all major industries to discuss and develop solutions that benefit the world. With a small and select attendee roster of values-driven entrepreneurs, investors, and philanthropists, Near Future aims to be a force for positive change in the business world and beyond by showcasing new products and ideas, fostering important dialogues, leading hands-on workshops, and building opportunities for co-creation and lasting partnerships.

I worked with Pineapple, San Francisco in collaboration with the Near Future team to reimagine the look and feel of the 2022 conference. We utilized their existing identity and their core values as a community to reinvigorate the brand with a new color palette and a suite of custom collages representing the industries and fields of innovation that they embrace. We applied this new look and feel across the entire conference, including a website, sponsor deck, and experiential elements for the event itself. This expanded identity represented the 2022 conference's goal of fostering visionary thinking in a collaborative context, and inspiring their members to envision a more positive future.

Near Future Summit 2022
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Projet réalisé pour

Near Future Summit 2022

Event branding for an annual summit of values-driven entrepreneurs, investors, and philanthropists.

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