Perfil de Carolina Borda

The Stories we tell Ourselves

The central concept of this project is about the narrative we have as women in different stages of our lives.  For this project, I collaborated with strong women I knew personally and thought were examples of resilience and feminine strength.
I worked with two images to show the transformation that can occur when we change the narratives, the stories we tell ourselves. One image represents emotions of confusion, solitude, and hopelessness, while the other represents the opposite; it's an image of strong, powerful, and positive emotions that show the transition from one stage to another. I asked the collaborators to think of a word that helped them transition and take that journey; I also asked them to write their own narratives.

The photo sessions took the participants on an unexpected journey into their past, revealing hidden emotions and helping them recognise the changes in their lives. That inspired me to participate in the project. I asked my partner to take my photos.

Cecilia – Encourage

Image 1
I reflect in the mirror all my fears, my insecurities, my past of so many injustices; I try to forget who I was only because I have been a refugee. I felt my voice was shut down. I tried to ignore it because I needed to always be strong for others, but in the mirror, my reflections are of a woman with sadness and memories of injustices, with the hunger to tell the universe it’s OK to feel insecure, sad, fearful, and angry, that it’s not going to make me different, it will just make me human.

Image 2
The story in this image is To Be ME, to be us the way we want, not with any fear of demonstrating feelings or insecurities. I feel beautiful; I feel free with my hands up and strong to let the universe see me just the way I am and to accept the changes in my body, to feel proud of myself, who I was in the past and who I AM NOW!

To truly be ourselves, embracing who we are without fear of expressing our emotions or vulnerabilities. I feel beautiful and liberated, raising my hands confidently, allowing the universe to witness me as I am, accepting the changes in my body, and feeling proud of both my past and who I AM NOW!
Karen – Flow

Image 1
The first time I moved to live in a new country, it all felt like too much to deal with - suddenly displaced, my whole environment transformed, too many adjustments I felt I had to make.

So, I told myself that feeling might be too painful and being numb was better; I convinced myself so well - this led to a sense of emptiness and some of the darkest moments I've ever experienced.
Image 2
Thankfully, I was able to return to the warmth of dear family and friends, even though I was in yet another country.  It was impossible not to feel their love and support.

I slowly began to find my feet and welcome emotions again.  I realised I needed to change what I told myself.

All my feelings are important - joy, enthusiasm, anger, sadness; they are all precious and give me direction. I must let myself feel even pain.

Now I tell myself to FLOW...
Mia - Transformation

Image 1
Amidst the turmoil in my mind, confusion reigns supreme. My shadow is swallowed by the emptiness of the street, which mirrors my deep sense of confusion, solitude, and hopelessness. Why can’t I shake off the haunting familiarity of the empty street that resonates with my inner turmoil? In this solitary space, I find myself adrift, longing for connection. How did I arrive at this crossroads, where uncertainty casts its shadow over every thought? Maybe within this chaos lies the seed of understanding, waiting to bloom.​​​​​​​
Image 2
As I stand on the threshold of change, like a phoenix rising from the ashes, a surge of strength courses through my veins, igniting a fire within. I am no longer shackled by doubt; I embrace the power within me, a force waiting to be unleashed. I refuse to be consumed by the darkness any longer. With each breath, I feel the weight of fear dissipates, replaced by a sense of invincibility.  Though the journey ahead is uncertain, I embrace this transformation with newfound courage and resilience, guided by hope that burns bright within my soul. In this moment, positivity radiates from within, casting aside shadows of insecurity. I am no longer a prisoner of my circumstances but a master of my destiny, ready to conquer the world. Let my story be a testament to the transformative power of belief in oneself.
Carolina – Trust

Image 1
In the early stages of my life, I experienced deep feelings of solitude, disconnection, and the emotion of feeling unseen by my inner circle; as a result, I felt disoriented, fearful, and angry, but the strongest and most debilitating of all those emotions was feeling trapped like I didn’t have space to move or options, and that I didn’t belong. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Image 2

The anger in me urged me to act, move and face my fears. I then realised that I didn’t have the information or resources that would take me to my destination; in reality, I didn’t know where I wanted to go. I just knew that I needed to keep moving because whenever I was in motion, the information I needed started to flow, and I started to trust that process and began to trust myself. Living that way also gave me the courage to understand that failure was part of living and growing. I continue to live my life, trusting that if I remain open and in motion, I will find my destination.
The Stories we tell Ourselves
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The Stories we tell Ourselves

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