Bartosz Kosowski's profile

Reeyot Alemu for Reporters Without Borders

A portrait of Reeyot Alemu - an Ethiopian journalist and winner of UNESCO's press freedom prize who has been jailed for speaking out against her government. Now Alemu is serving a 5-year prison sentence following an unfair trial in which anti-terrorism laws were used to silence her writing.
The remaining 5 portraits represent Peter Lindbergh, Anne Nivat, Christophe Deloire, Jean-Sébastien Stehli and myself.
The illustration was drawn and coloured in PS with Wacom Intuos.

Reeyot Alemu:
Portraits of Peter Lindbergh, Anne Nivat, Christophe Deloire, Jean-Sébastien Stehli and myself:
Reeyot Alemu for Reporters Without Borders


Reeyot Alemu for Reporters Without Borders

A portrait of Reeyot Alemu - an Ethiopian journalist and winner of UNESCO's press freedom prize who has been jailed for speaking out against her Read More
