POP CHESE 抱抱奇司 / 品牌

品牌POP CHESE 抱抱奇司的設計理念融合了專業感與天然美味,致力於為消費者提供優質的起司球製品,成為補充蛋白質的理想選擇。採用低溫乾燥技術製作產品,保留了天然成分的營養價值,讓消費者享受到健康美味的同時,也滿足了對營養的需求。

品牌命名的「POP CHESE 抱抱奇司」,結合了POP的活潑感、CHESE的起司意涵以及抱抱奇司的獨特形象,營造了一個富有趣味性、親切感和專業品質的品牌形象。


在品牌元素的選擇上,選用了乳牛和起司塊。乳牛象徵著產品的天然、純淨原料來源,而起司塊則是核心產品的象徵,突顯了POP CHESE 抱抱奇司的特色和美味。


The brand POP CHESE combines professionalism with natural deliciousness, dedicated to providing consumers with high-quality cheese ball products, making it the ideal choice for supplementing protein without burden. The products are made using low-temperature drying technology to preserve the nutritional value of natural ingredients, allowing consumers to enjoy healthy and delicious flavors.

The main color tone of the brand is chosen as azure blue, symbolizing freshness, nature, and professionalism, aligning perfectly with the natural, high-quality image we uphold. Azure blue also creates a comfortable, stable feeling, echoing the brand's emphasis on health.

In terms of brand elements, we have selected a dairy cow and cheese block. The dairy cow symbolizes the natural, pure source of ingredients, while the cheese block represents the core product, highlighting the uniqueness and deliciousness of POP CHESE.

The overall design style is characterized by simplicity and modernity, blending professionalism with friendliness, allowing consumers to feel the brand's quality assurance and warm service. In visual design, we will highlight the brand's main color tone and elements to create a fresh, healthy, and professional image, attracting the attention of target consumers and increasing brand recognition and visibility.
Creative Director|Wang Chia Ying
Art Director|Lin Chieh Hui
Designer|Liou Shih Hua
Photo| wu2
POP CHESE 抱抱奇司 / 品牌
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POP CHESE 抱抱奇司 / 品牌

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