Interface redesign for CSI self-service checkouts

CSI is a developer and integrator of technological solutions in the field of retail automation in six countries. Included in the TOP 5 largest IT suppliers.

The Right studio's goal is to update the interface of the CSI K self-service checkouts and make the interaction so simple and clear that customers deal with the self-checkout quickly and prefer it to a usual one.

The old device interface was assembled on the technical and component basis of the first self checkouts interfaces with landscape orientation. Therefore, interaction with it was not always convenient. The Right Studio audited the old interface, corrected UX and stylistic errors and inherited good solutions.

The Right Studio has made the interface as simple as possible. Now the customer, even with peripheral vision, understands what's going on the screen and what to do next. Interaction with the interface itself is minimized and developed taking into account the ergonomics of the device and the characteristics of human physics.

Cash registers have already been launched in test mode.
We're looking forward to full integration so that stores can serve even more customers and cashiers get less tired, and customers don't stuck in a queue 🤍

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Interface redesign for CSI self-service checkouts

Interface redesign for CSI self-service checkouts

The aim of The Right Studio was to update the interface of the CSI K self-service checkouts and to make the interaction so simple and clear that Další informace
