Christopher Cannon's profile

Tyāga creative society

In developing the Web 3.0 label and several products for its launch, our focus has been on ensuring the validity and viability of our business proposal. Through a series of networking interactions, including a memorable weekend retreat at Joshua Tree, I had the opportunity to present my business plan to key individuals involved in its development. Their feedback provided valuable insights into the strengths and potential areas for improvement in our strategy.
Conversations with these individuals, including developers and advisors, reinforced the intelligence behind our approach and the promising nature of our business model. This feedback served as a reality check, shedding light on the practical implications of our ideas and strategies.
One significant insight gleaned from these discussions is the multifaceted potential of cryptocurrencies and NFTs within our business strategy. Beyond merely serving as investment opportunities or conversation starters, we envision leveraging these emerging digital assets to revolutionize how we compensate our artists and team members. By exploring the possibility of utilizing coins from the Ethereum market and various cryptocurrencies, we aim to establish a novel payment system that empowers our talent and fosters a deeper sense of collaboration and partnership.
Our aspiration extends beyond merely incorporating cryptocurrencies into our payment structure; we envision forging strategic relationships and collaborations within the crypto space. This includes seeking out partnerships or sponsorships with prominent entities within the cryptocurrency ecosystem. By aligning ourselves with key players in the industry, we can tap into their resources, expertise, and networks to further propel our business forward and solidify our presence within the market.
Moreover, our discussions have shed light on the immense potential of targeting app developers and technical professionals within the Web 3.0 and NFT spheres. Through our Trappist Sun app, we aim to create a platform that not only facilitates transactions but also fosters a community of innovators and collaborators. By engaging with this demographic, we can forge new contracts, develop cutting-edge applications, and explore innovative ways to monetize digital content.
In essence, our realization goes beyond merely acknowledging the potential of cryptocurrencies and NFTs; it underscores our commitment to leveraging these digital assets as catalysts for innovation and growth. By strategically integrating them into our business model, we can create new avenues for revenue generation, foster collaboration within the industry, and ultimately solidify our position as leaders in the ever-evolving landscape of digital entertainment.
A pivotal realization from these discussions is the importance of market segmentation and the need to tailor our offerings accordingly. As we develop our documentary, app, and funding proposal, we will integrate this newfound understanding to better resonate with our target audience.
Furthermore, I'm considering pivoting towards developing a YouTube channel and short video series as an additional revenue stream. This aligns with feedback received during networking interactions and presents an opportunity to expand our brand presence and generate income.
After reviewing my worksheet and other confidential information received. I am confident that our strategic shifts will not only propel our business proposal forward but also position us for success in the dynamic landscape of Web 3.0 and beyond. 
Tyāga creative society


Project Made For

Tyāga creative society
