Hold My Brew
Hold My Brew is a set of 4 Georgia sport inspired coasters, designed as a gift for a significant other. The goal for making these coasters was to create a functional yet aesthetic gift (one that can achieve the functional aspect of the gift). With the use of many different materials, the coasters are able to be used with wet, cold, or hot beverages of the individuals choice, while achieving the goal of a sporty, Georgia fan theme. Creating and designing for others is something I truly enjoy and Hold My Brew allowed me this opportunity gift a design inspired by some else's interest. 
The process for making the Hold My Brew coasters was to sketch and annotate a design explaining the size, shape, and placement of the logos (top image). This sketch was used to draw the Fusion 360 laser cuttable files to make a total of 5 coasters (one blank for precaution)(middle left image). Once the files were uploaded to the laser cutter, a piece of plywood was used to cut and etch the wooden coasters (middle right image). For the aesthetics, wood stain and acrylic paint were used (bottom left image). To finish the coasters, a light coat of spray on polyurethane was applied to seal the wood with the painted design (bottom right image).
Hold My Brew
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Hold My Brew

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