Henkilön Ruta K profiili

Lipsticks Packaging Design - Valentines Collection

Valentines collection for Lady Esmeralda Cosmetics
Services: Creative direction, Box design, Insert card design
Year: 2024

About the brand:
Lady Esmeralda offers cosmetic solutions designed to help individuals with disabilities express themselves and enhance their independence through lipsticks. The brand was established in honour of the owner's sister, Esmeralda, who, despite her intellectual disabilities, had a great love for lipsticks. The owner aims to keep her memory alive and share her story with each lipstick.

The Brief:
Create a box and insert card designs for the Valentine's Day lipstick collection that tells Esmeralda's love story.

The Concept:
The primary goal was to capture the essence of Esmeralda's romantic tale, while embodying the spirit of Valentine's Day.
At the core of this collection, I illustrated a sheep and a cow (the story is detailed on the card - mockups). I adopted a playful and fun style for the main characters. To enhance the illustrations, I added depth and dimension using shadows.
For the background, I designed a pattern of hearts mixed with subtle kiss marks to create a dynamic yet elegant backdrop. The varied heart shapes convey the whimsical idea of 'love in the air,' adding a playful touch to the design.
The kiss mark elements serve a dual purpose: they symbolise the products within the box and perfectly communicates Valentine's theme, unifying the entire design concept.
The front of the thank you card continues the heart pattern, with colour-swapped hearts for a fun touch, and features the story characters at the center.

Thank you for watching!

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Lipsticks Packaging Design - Valentines Collection


Lipsticks Packaging Design - Valentines Collection
