Профиль gloria mak

Taiwan School contact book|新北國中聯絡簿

New Taipei Junior High School Contact Book Redesign

這學期新北聯絡簿設計一由 文化銀行 Bank of Culture ​ 統籌規劃,我負責全冊設計與插畫。

Contact books in Taiwan junior high schools! The family contact book is a means of communication between teachers, students, and parents in primary and secondary schools. Its purpose is to facilitate communication between teachers, students, and parents, allowing teachers to establish communication with students and parents, and allowing parents to understand school and class promotion matters. Through this, parents can understand the student's school situation, and teachers can also know about the student's family situation in another way. Some contact books also have a diary section for students to express their feelings.
This semester, the design of the New Taipei contact book is coordinated by the Bank of Culture, and I am responsible for the entire book design and illustrations.

In terms of design concept, it echoes the original intention of cultivating children's aesthetic sense and creativity. We hope to present students with visuals they haven't seen or thought of before, thereby opening up the possibilities of aesthetic appreciation. Therefore, the flowers on the cover are composed of "geometric patterns," forming petals and stems, challenging people to observe objects not just by their concrete appearance but also appreciating the imagination brought by lines. Through observing the geometric lines of objects, simple lines are used to create infinite combinations and imaginary scenes, attempting to observe things from different perspectives.

By employing modern and geometric designs, a unique style is crafted, symbolizing the stages of growth children undergo during their three years in junior high school.
七年級|封面設計 Cover design
臺灣原生百合有「天使號角」之稱,它們的生命頑強且堅毅不拔。 七年級的新生剛開始認識新的校園與群體,期許學生們就像百合般能有高度的適應能力去面對新環境;而百合純真且堅毅的特性,也象徵對於學習生活充滿熱情和探索的精神。 ​

Taiwan Native Lily │ Ecological Restoration in Bali, Northeast Corner of New Taipei City
Taiwan native lilies are known as the "Angels' Trumpets," displaying robust and resolute life. As seventh-grade students begin to acquaint themselves with a new campus and community, it is hoped that they, like lilies, possess the adaptability to face new environments. The pure and steadfast nature of lilies also symbolizes the spirit of enthusiasm and exploration towards learning and life.

八年級|封面設計 Cover design
烏來杜鵑是珍貴的臺灣原生種,顏色鮮豔美麗。 八年級生是不斷充實經驗、積累知識的階段,就像杜鵑的根雖然纖細,仍然積極向生長茁壯,藉此期許八年級的學生們更為自信獨立,也有能力嘗試自己感興趣、有熱情的新事物。

Wulai Rhododendrons are precious native species of Taiwan, with bright and beautiful colors. Eighth-grade students are in a stage of constantly enriching experiences and accumulating knowledge, akin to the delicate roots of rhododendrons actively thriving. It is hoped that eighth-grade students become more confident, independent, and capable of exploring new things they are interested in and passionate about.
內頁設計 / Internal Page Design
九年級|封面設計 Cover design
豔紅鹿子百合是臺灣最具有豔麗色彩的原生百合。 象徵著學生在第三年的國中生活裡,都能找到各自的獨特性與自我定位。祝福九年級的學生帶著成熟與堅強,在面對未來不同的挑戰時都能夠一一克服,並在各種多元的領域中綻放。

Scarlet lilies are Taiwan's most brightly colored native lilies. They symbolize that students can find their own uniqueness and self-positioning during their third year of junior high school. Wishing ninth-grade students maturity and strength, enabling them to overcome various challenges they may face in the future and shine in diverse fields.
內頁設計 / Internal Page Design

品德教育聯絡簿 設計團隊
專案統籌 ▏文化銀行
專案顧問 ▏美感細胞
視覺設計 ▏Gloria Mak 小麥
插畫繪製 ▏JUPE Design
合作撰文 ▏朱家安
出版單位 ▏新北市政府教育局

Taiwan School contact book|新北國中聯絡簿


Taiwan School contact book|新北國中聯絡簿
