Henkilön LEAGUE \ Design Agency profiiliHenkilön Mike Samovarov profiili

Harbour App — Ui/Ux Design for British Neobank

Harbour — UI/UX Design
for the British Neobank

Design Type: UI/UX Design
Specifics and Business Area: Financial Services, Cryptocurrency

About the project

Harbour is a bridge between the world of cryptocurrency and traditional finance. It's a neobank that creates a hassle-free experience for users looking to integrate both worlds into their financial portfolio. From an innovative approach to user experience, Harbor embodies clarity, simplicity and futurism.

Transport hubs make the world more accessible. Different modes of transport can move in parallel, which prevents the occurrence of unnecessary transfer and helps to save money and time.
Harbour does the same thing, but with cryptocurrency. As the transport hub allows you to spend time productively, reducing routes, and Harbour accelerates the introduction of new earning opportunities and technologies in the crypto space.

Design Goals

Develop an MVP version of a cross-platform mobile application that meets Harbour's high standards in innovation, security and user experience. Think over UX logic that provides intuitive use and flexibility in implementing new features.


We are like a transport hub

People arrive, do the things they need to do and continue on their way. Regardless of the type of hub they are united by the dynamics that take place within each minute. Similar to the transactions that users will make inside a Harbor application. Transport hubs are built to make the world more reachable. Thus different types of transport are combined under one roof, which helps to get rid of transferring, which always costs money, is time-consuming, and puts one on edge.

Visit our website to check our design process!

The basis of the design of the Harbour mobile application is the brand identity we have already created. Glassmorphism and geometric shapes are used to visualize this concept, creating a sense of transparency, order and innovation. The basis of the design philosophy is minimalism, purity and intuitiveness. Thanks to this, users can quickly and easily interact with the information and functions of the application.

Modernism of the transport hub

Given the novelty of the transport hub concept, the focus is on highlighting its modern style and innovation through our metaphor. The goal is to immerse the user in an atmosphere characterized by modernity, cleanliness, and lightness.

Modernity will be conveyed through the application of visual graphic styles and techniques such as gradients and glass effects. These elements are instrumental in portraying the futuristic nature of our metaphor. The interface is simple, making it easy for users to quickly understand the information on the screens.

Key feature

The "Exchange" function is key, it provides a smooth exchange between fiat and crypto currencies without the use of additional services and distinguishes Harbour from competitors with its clarity and accessibility. Analysis of competitors has shown that most of them are aimed at users with basic knowledge of cryptocurrencies, so Harbour focuses on providing benefits for a wide range of users. SWAP –  the fast exchange between GBR and cryptocurrency USDC.


The goal of the copywriting was to create a sense of control and security for the user through a concise, simple and open tone of voice. The language of the application shows the wisdom and intelligence of Harbor, emphasizing the uniqueness of its functions.

Medium-detail icons and geometric shapes create a visual hierarchy, guiding users to important interface elements. Lines and linear arrows help visually separate important subsections. We also used rounded buttons to contrast with the geometric shapes in the interface. Minimalistic horizontal scrolling provides quick familiarization with the functionality.

League Design Agency Team:

Design Director: Mike Samovarov
Team Leader: Vitalii Terziev
UI/UX Designer: Tania Baskakova
Creative Project Manager: Natalia Gavrilova
Motion Designer: Nadiia Nahorna
Case Design: Nadiia Nahorna, Anton Bukoros, Dima Kaliberda

Harbour App — Ui/Ux Design for British Neobank

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Harbour App — Ui/Ux Design for British Neobank
