< PLAY HARD > graphic diary by otherworm


Category:Art Book Design
Size:14.8(H)x 10.5(W)cm
Publishing:草率季 Taipei Art Book Fair
Printing & Binding:品墨良行 Pinmo Pure Store
Paper:采憶紙業 Cherry Paper
Designer:陳品丞 Chen Ping-Chen
Photographer:黃宥融 Yorong
Design Assistant:廖砡翎 Hoshui



忽然發現,這樣的狀態讓我得以像個旁觀者,觀察自己如何使用圖形、如何思考空間感,又或是配色受到誰的影響等等,誤打誤撞地進行了歷年創作的檢討回顧,進而訂定出了”PLAY HARD”這樣的主題。


At the end of 2022, I unexpectedly received an award during the Taipei art book fair, leading to a new creative opportunity. However, until the following spring and summer, I was completely clueless. I began crafting a diary primarily focused on images, collaging materials haphazardly extracted from my past non-commercial works. Without any plan, this continued for several months. I realized that each piece should carry countless nights of self-reflection, but the random combinations blurred most of their original intent, diluting them into an open state of "just some images."

Suddenly, I found myself in a state where I could observe myself as an outsider, observing how I used graphics, how I considered spatiality, or which details were influenced by which predecessors. Inadvertently, I embarked on a review of my creative works, setting the theme of "PLAY HARD."

During the later stages of binding and printing, I decided to echo the name of my studio, "otherworm," by incorporating imagery of "worms" into the design details. Ultimately, I completed this zine with colorful tendrils, requiring destruction to be read. It serves as a reminder to myself to coexist with the environment, An aspiration to bring different patterns to this ecology.

Key words recorded in the zine:

混亂的 Chaotic
秩序的 Orderly
華麗的 Glamorous
悔恨的 Regretful
可愛的 Adorable
未知的 Unknown
現實的 Realistic
拼裝的 Assembled
刺痛的 Stinging
冰冷的 Icy
失控的 Out of control
無重力的 Weightless
令人上癮的 Addictive
封閉的 Enclosed
閃爍的 Sparkling
墜落的 Falling
寂靜的 Silent
陽剛的 Masculine
脆弱的 Fragile
外向的 Outgoing
冒牌的 Fake
黑暗的 Dark
綑綁的 Bound
誠實的 Honest
細碎的 Fragile
低品質的 Low-quality
連續的 Continuous
中毒的 Poisoned
甜美的 Sweet
病態的 Morbid
密密麻麻的 Crowded
幽默的 Humorous
骯髒的 Dirty
堅定的 Resolute
流行的 Trendy
反抗的 Rebellious
荒謬的 Absurd
赤裸的 Naked
飢渴的 Thirsty
盛開的 Blooming
煙霧迷漫的 Smoky
流動的 Fluid
被包圍的 Surrounded
無趣的 Boring
自傲的 Arrogant
迷失的 Lost
被保護的 Protected
危險的 Dangerous
日常的 Ordinary
廉價的 Cheap



PLAY HARD - graphic diary by otherworm
