Eisen Bernard Bernardo's profile

Minimalist Posters of the Threats to Biodiversity

I work full-time as a Multimedia Producer and Writer at the Communication and Public Affairs unit of the ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity. My exposure on various issues concerning biodiversity conservation inspired me to come up with these minimalist posters. The posters depict the leading threats to biodiversity such as climate change, pollution, deforestation, introduction of invasive alien species, illegal wildlife trade, overpopulation, mining, land degradation, and lack of public awareness.
One of the goals of the Convention on Biological Diversity is to make people aware of the values of biodiversity (Aichi Target 1). Increasing public awareness of the threats to biodiversity will motivate people to take steps in conserving and using natural resources sustainably. This project is my small contribution in mainstreaming biodiversity conservation issues.
Minimalist Posters of the Threats to Biodiversity


Minimalist Posters of the Threats to Biodiversity

Minimalist Posters of the threats to biodiversity
