YouTube's Geek Week Geek Test was the YouTube Masthead for several days and featured both an interactive quiz as well as embeded videos and links out to prominenet YouTube channels. You can still take the quiz here
The mobile component of the Geek Week Geek Test: Since it wasn't possible to directly lift the format of the video-heavy desktop quiz, an entirely different quiz was available to mobile visitors. Users would connect two related words with a swipe and then share out their score or choose to interact with YouTube channels.
The rich media banners that ran in support of Geek Week featured the same quiz as the Masthead unit. These ran in multiple sizes and as takeover units on the IGN network.
Standard banners are normally not worth mention, but the Geek Week units pushed the limits of size restrictions, and ultimately looked and felt better than anyone expected. 
YouTube Geek Week
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YouTube Geek Week

Banner campaign in support of YouTube Geek Week.

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