Root of Desire is an identity concept developed for artist Charwei Tsai's solo exhibition, held at the TKG+ gallery in Taipei, Taiwan in 2018. The aim of the identity was to encapsulate the essence of the artwork presented in the exhibition, which explored themes of nature, desire, the illusion of self, and non-duality.

Charwei’s work draws inspiration from the Vimalakirti Sutra, an ancient spiritual text considered one of Asia's earliest recorded works. In reference to the Vimalakirti Sutra, a thought-provoking insight was uncovered. In response to the question, 'How should one look at a sentient being?' Vimalakirti replied, 'the way a wise person looks at the reflection of the moon in water.' This metaphor carries a profound idea that challenges our conventional understanding of self. It implies that the perceived notion of a separate and independent self is akin to an illusion, constructed through our subjective senses and perceptions.

Based on this metaphor of the moon reflected in water and the concept of the illusory nature of the separate self, the exhibition's logo mark was conceptualized. The logo mark serves as a visual representation of this idea, symbolizing the impermanence and fluidity of self-identity.

Root of Desire


Root of Desire

Identity concept design for the Charwei Tsai exhibition at TKG+ gallery in TAIPEI, TAIWAN, entitled Root of Desire.
