Jrai Dew is a collaborative art project created by Art Labor, a Ho Chi Minh City based art collective working in between visual arts, social and life sciences in various public contexts and locales. The Jrai Dew exhibition was created together with Jrai artists who are members of an indigenous minority group located in the central highlands region of Vietnam. 

The identity for the Jrai Dew project is built around an abstract symbol of a square morfing into a circle, based on a Jrai spiritual belief in the transfiguration of the soul. Transfiguration is the central concept of the art project, which explores themes related to Jrai philosophy and belief that humans will pass through many stages of existence before returning to their origin state. The final state of existence being "dew" (ia ngôm in Jrai language), the beginning particles of new life.

Jrai Dew has been exhibited at a number or renowned arts spaces including the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts in Taichung, Taiwan and Centre Pompidou in Paris, France.

Jrai Dew


Jrai Dew
