Delta P3 - Decentralized Investments

DeltaP3 is revolutionizing the concept of Public-Private Partnerships (P3) by leveraging the power
of the Avalanche blockchain. This innovative platform democratizes participation in large-scale infrastructure projects, enabling government agencies, retail investors, and industry leaders to collaboratively engage in these ventures.

DeltaP3's ambition was to introduce their groundbreaking concept to a broader audience, necessitating a brand identity that encapsulates the essence of decentralized partnerships and appeals to a tech-savvy demographic. The objective was to create a brand and online presence 
that conveys trust, technological advancement, and the evolution of traditional P3 models into the 
realm of Web 3.0.

We responded by crafting a brand identity and website for DeltaP3 that embodies the convergence of technology, security, and decentralization. The logo, featuring geometric shapes and three-dimensional planes, symbolizes the innovative nature of DeltaP3's approach to P3s. The website design focuses on motion, expansion, and evolution, with interactive elements and compelling content strategies that make the complex concept of P3s accessible and engaging.

Agency: Persius Creative
Creative Direction: Shervine Dolatshahi, Arash Nazerpour
Art Direction & Design: Jovana Ranđelović
3D Animation: Prime Studios
Website Design: Persius Creative

Delta P3 - Decentralized Investments

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Delta P3 - Decentralized Investments

DeltaP3 enables anyone to participate in large-scale infrastructure projects which are called P3 (Public-Private Partnerships). Through their com Další informace
