Profil von A Dolan

Media Encyclopedia: Kernels of Knowledge

Media Encyclopedia: Kernels of Knowledge
Graphic Design 3 Project
The Media Encyclopedia is an information type app that shows the user all information about a movie, show, or specific episodes. In the app, the user can save media to their library so that they can find media that they enjoy easily. Some of the information given includes: genre(s), length, release date, where to watch, cast, plot, etc.
The Media Encyclopedia: Kernels of Knowledge is a popcorn subscription box that sends two, 1 gallon bags of different flavors of popcorn to your door once a month. 10% of every payment is sent to a non-profit or charity of the consumer’s choice. The box and popcorn bags are made using recyclable, biodegradable, and non-toxic materials, to try and combat excess waste.
The design illustrated is meant to represent the iconography of movie theaters, including popcorn in a red striped paper popcorn bag and film strips. The logos are illustrated to represent a simplified movie theater sign to continue to fit into the theme of the product.
The colors of the logo are connected color scheme of the app, using yellows and ochres to create a warm yet calm color scheme, as to not create distractions from the information the app is trying to express. The fonts chosen for the logos were to keep with the theme of movie theater signs, while still being slightly different from the usual signage fonts.
Media Encyclopedia: Kernels of Knowledge


Media Encyclopedia: Kernels of Knowledge
