Marmot, a manufacturer of outdoor survivalist gear, needed a distinctive brand that would differentiate them from the rest of the industry while remaining simple and true to its heritage. The result is Secrets of the Universe, a campaign that sharpens the voice of Marmot while recognizing the company’s culture. The first secret ad includes a unique image captured by renowned outdoor photographer Galen Rowell called the "Specter of the Brocken". A cult following of outdoor enthusiasts have since contributed their secret discoveries, expanding upon the brand’s mystique.
Ideas for the most part, are subjective. Some are good. Some are bad. Some resonate with clients. Some don’t. Some get revised. Some look very different once they go into production. Like all projects that have ever been undertaken, there will always be some ideas that will never make it past the drawing board. Below are some of the concepts that didn’t make it, but they can still inspire the imagination.

