Responding to a dramatic increase in graffiti vandalism, San Francisco's mayor, Gavin Newsom, steered nearly half a million dollars toward graffiti eradication efforts. To help with this initiative, a pro-bono ad campaign supporting Newsom's plan was created. The out-of-home ads encouraged viewers to imagine what their own homes would look like if they were vandalized as a city street. The results raised public awareness and increased community participation in Graffiti Watch, a volunteer anti-Graffiti program.
Ideas for the most part, are subjective. Some are good. Some are bad. Some resonate with clients. Some don’t. Some get revised. Some look very different once they go into production. Like all projects that have ever been undertaken, there will always be some ideas that will never make it past the drawing board. Below are some of the concepts that didn’t make it, but they can still inspire the imagination.
Prior to finalizing the set for the photoshoot, I had the unfortunate situation to be a stand-in for the photographer.
Graffiti Watch

Graffiti Watch
