Henkilön Roux Sutton profiili

Habitats for robots

Habitats for robots!
Making a habitat for a robot sounds like a simple enough concept but I actually struggled with this a little bit because I couldn't think of three that were different. To start with, I tried sketching out some ideas and making sure I knew what I was doing before going straight in and creating the backgrounds. I also annotated certain parts of the sketches to try and give them more narrative and feel more realistic. 
After this point I went ahead and created the habitat backgrounds and photographed my robot in them. I really like the first one with the shop idea because it feels like the characters have more of a backstory and tells you a bit about where they originated from in their world. I took a fair bit of inspiration from east asian buildings and shops for this; i.e the door having a curtain thing rather than just a door. I also attempted to translate "helpbots" into korean hangul, it might not be 100% accurate but I think that it conveys that the company is meant to have originated in Korea well enough. 
I liked the sketch of this one more than how it actually turned out, I feel as though I could have executed it in a better way than I did. If I practiced my perspective more then that could have helped how it turned out in the end. I like that its in  greyscale though, I think that makes it fairly obvious that its meant to be night time. I think the shadows turned out well though. 
The last one is the one that I struggled with the most, because I thought that the habitats all had to have a happy backstory and not a tragic one, but then I wondered what would happen to the robots when they inevitably get forgotten and replaced with upgraded models. I played around with where the camera was in this one and had it focus on the robot itself and leaving the background blurred, this makes the junkyard behind it seem more subtle and you don't notice that it's a junkyard straight away. 
I felt as though I could improve upon this though and ripped up the old painting of the background so that I could collage it into a new habitat, hoping that it would give it more depth. I used every ripped part of the old painting in the new one to add to the junk in the background so that I didn't make any unnecessary paper waste. On top of this I also tried changing the settings on the photo to make it look less saturated and make it seem as though the world is less colourful, maybe polluted beyond the point of repair. I also included Ignight in this one and made it look as though they're watching something together, perhaps a distant nuclear explosion in the distance which made the world seem less saturated than normal. 
Habitats for robots

Habitats for robots
