Subjective comparison and documentation of partner cities

Set in: IBM Plex Sans, IBM Plex Mono

The project was carried out at the École supérieure d'Art et Design de Saint-Étienne during one semester long Erasmus exchange with Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice.

The inpiration was very personal - I'm from Katowice, Poland and a big part of my identity as a person is connected to this city and the entire region. Saint-Étienne, where I have spent one semester during Erasmus exchange, is a partner city of Katowice. They share quite a few similarities: starting with the obvious history with coal mining, through both being part on the UNESCO Creative Cities Network to such things as the kindred colors on the coat of arms (which is reflected in the book's colors). The project was aiming to record those similarities through a subjective, personal lense.

While a lot of information put there are cold, objective facts, I also added some details that were my personal observations. Some of the information is hand written, with small doodles and arrows in some places. This meant to signify the personal element, the subjectivity of it. It also loosens the format, makes it feel more like a journal or a notebook, than a down-to-earth publication.

Photos used are for the most part taken by me, with the few exceptions of archival photographs or drawings.
Sainté/Kato - publication


Sainté/Kato - publication


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