ItSelf Terjadi
_promotional materials

ItSelf TerJadi is a text-based, experimental performance about the memories, feelings and thoughts of a woman dealing with cancer, Covid-19 and ageing. Drawing from real-life experiences, Marion D’Cruz, writer and performer of this work, shares her stories, perspectives, questions, and concerns about life in a troubled world. The performance engages audiences in thinking about health, hope, pain, beauty, love, and loss, with humour, heart, and a somatic sensibility.  


Initially, when I proposed having her face staring defiantly straight out, Marion was reluctant.
She emphasised the text should be the main focus. After attending one of her initial rehearsals,
I convinced her that the spoken words could be superimposed onto her as if they were coming out
of her. We did this with projection. With the first draft of the visual, she relented.

When she was typing out her journal entries during the lockdown, it was all in lowercase without much fanfare. I honoured that by setting most of the information as such.

_promotional poster
_main image : Kubhaer T. Jethwani
_additional images : Foo Chiwei
ItSelf Terjadi


ItSelf Terjadi
