Jupiter Optimus Maximus, king of the Roman gods.
A just and generous deity who brings favor and wealth to the state.

Depicted here in the middle of the Feriae Iovi (Festivals of Jupiter).

I employed this upscaling method that I developed, utilizing both AI and GAN to breathe new life into the artwork. After the upscaling process, I dedicated numerous hours to meticulously hand-paint intricate details myself.

Exhibited in Rome at the 'AUTOMATA' exhibition
I use my proprietary "Artistic Augmentation" process (DVKupscaling) to create these innovative works. I start with a base image/sketch, then leverages a multitude of cutting-edge AI and GAN upscaling tools to add tremendous resolution and new details - a 24 hour process! Then I spend up to 100s of hours editing each piece by hand in Photoshop, guiding them to align with my creative vision.
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Jupiter by DVK


Jupiter by DVK
