For our third project, we were to take one of the platonic solids and make them into frames that were repeated to create a 3D form that emphasized movement. Their proportions could be changed as long as it still clearly references the original platonic solid. Our constraints limited our size to no smaller than 4" for our frames. Our materials were 1/4" dowels and wood glue.

The platonic solid I chose to work with was the cube. I decided to elongate four of the sides using the golden ratio (1:1.618). The dimensions of each individual cube are 4" x 4" x 6.5". I rotated each cube 90 degrees and attached them at the side opposite of the previous connection. I chose this orientation based on a design I previously made for a shelving unit. I struggled quite a bit with the wood warping and not being flexible enough to be attached in some areas.
Img. 1 - View 1 of the linear framework project
Img. 2 - View 2 of the linear framework project (turned)
Img. 3 - Detail of the linear framework project
Linear Framework
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Linear Framework

Linear Framework project for Intro to Problems in 3D Design I at the University of Iowa

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