Wenonah Canoes
A website redesign project.
Another project between Martin Williams and Space 150, the course involved seeking out a website that BADLY needed some redesigning, and that had something to do with a personal passion. I love canoeing, and found a company called Wenonah Canoes.

I chose them because 1.) they had a site for me to work with (some were text-only. Awful!), 2.) their site was horrible (http://www.wenonah.com). 

Our campaign involved designing a print ad, billboard ad and a website overhaul.
Magazine print
Home page. Upon loading, the scroll opens to reveal the copy.
The two images on the right rotate through various canoeing photographs per load or refresh.
"About" page. Scroll closes when leaving previous page, and opens again on new page to reveal new information.
In the browser, the polaroid chosen lights up and remains slightly larger than the rest (to take the place of having a web map at all times).
When you click the "Read More" tab, a shadow box comes up with the remaining information. These boxes take the place of page scrolling, so the information is confined rather than moving the entire page.
Wenonah Canoes

Wenonah Canoes

A redesign of the Wenonah Canoes website.


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