蕉造(Jiaozao): Multi-cuisine Restaurant Branding

Brand Owner: 蕉造 Jiaozao 
Design & Projectized by ZL:D
蕉造 Jiaozao 多元化餐厅 - 品牌设计
Jiaozao Multi-cuisine Restaurant Branding

"Jiaozao" is a well-known restaurant for its diverse dining menu options, encompassing fresh fruits and vegetables, exquisite baked goods, abundant seafood, convenient fast food, and a variety of alcoholic beverages. We are committed to catering to a wide range of diners, presenting an array of delicious choices, ranging from fresh and healthy to irresistibly tasty, perfectly aligning with the tastes of the Chinese palate. Whatever your culinary preferences may be, Banana Fusion can satisfy your taste buds, allowing you to indulge in a delightful dining experience.

The typeface for '蕉造' is based on a modern and vibrant sans-serif font, capturing the diversity essence of the restaurant. It emphasizes sharp and irregular strokes, conveying the unique characteristics of the culinary style. The color palette embraces warm tones, particularly a warm brown, highlighting the bakery's features and conveying a cozy dining ambiance. This approach aims to make '蕉造' a distinctive and visually appealing Multi-cuisine Restaurant that attracts a broad range of diners.

© All rights reserved(版權归品牌方所有,抄襲、盗用必究 ◡̈ ).
Legal support(法務支持): 上海日盈律師事務所

— Design Power —
Brand Owner(品牌方): 蕉造 Jiaozao | Publishing Region(发行地): ZJ, China
Project Director(项目统筹): Yidi, Tianshu | 
Publishing Director(发行监制): Leven
Graphic Design(平面设计): Yidi, Tianshu, Leven | Copywrite(文案): Tianshu, Yidi
Visualization(效果图): Yidi, Leven, Tianshu, | Photography(拍摄): Leven
蕉造 Jiaozao  | Design & Projectized by ZL:D © | Oct. 2023
  All rights reserved(版權所有,抄襲、盜用必究 ◡̈)
  Legal support(法務支持): 上海日盈律師事務所 (馮律師: 13524537661@126.com)
  ZL:D © Website: www.ZLeven.cc | Contact: info@ZLeven.cc
 Thanks for watch ◡̈

蕉造(Jiaozao): Multi-cuisine Restaurant Branding
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