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Mineralis Branding

Mineralis is a brand that produces mineral-based health products. In the new logo and visual identity design, an approach was adopted in which the brand's mineral emphasis was at the forefront. 

Logo: Mineralis logo has a design that symbolizes mineral emphasis. The logotype of the brand was created by combining the mineral figure, which gives a classic impression, with a typography with stylish and elegant lines. This design reflects the brand's expertise in health and naturalness. 

Color Palette: Pastel colors and different combinations of these colors are used in the brand visual identity. These colors emphasize values such as health, freshness and cleanliness. The color palette supports the natural and healthy attributes of the brand. 

Visual Elements: Mineralis' brand icon has multiple uses that add dynamism to packaging and other areas of application. These visual elements are used to promote the brand's products and strengthen the brand identity. 

Design Style: The brand visual identity was created with a classic and stylish design style. This design style emphasizes the quality and expertise of the brand. At the same time, it also reflects the concepts of health and naturalness. Mineralis' new logo and visual identity reflects the brand's aim to represent mineral-based health products. The design aims to present the values of the brand and the quality of its products in an attractive way to consumers by emphasizing them.
Mineralis Branding


Mineralis Branding
