Henkilön Jess Saxe profiili

Hunter & Flapjack

Hunter & Flapjack
For this project, I created art for the Disney Channel series, The Owl House, with the two characters Hunter and Flapjack. First thing I did was look at some references photos of the two. Next, I opened up Procreate and sketched out what I wanted.
After sketching out want I wanted, I moved onto lineart. At first, I started out with a brush called "studio pen". I didn't quite like look flat look it was giving so I decided to start over with the lineart and used a brush called "shale brush". This gave it a bit more texture and it felt more lively.
Next, I added color in to the two characters. I was still using the "shale brush" because it made it easier to transition colors.  
I then added a blue background and added a white heart. I also added a paper texture and some noise over everything to help bring it all together.
After finishing the art portion, I took the piece into Illustrator to add some text. I added the names of the characters, Hunter and Flapjack, to the top and the name of the show at the bottom. I chose the font Algerian because it fit the theme of the show and gave a fantasy look to it. At first I had the text in all black but felt it might be difficult to read with the blue background and the dark color of the clothes so I changed it to all white to match the heart and give it that pop especially on the top.
Finally, I made mockups and saved everything.
Hunter & Flapjack

Hunter & Flapjack
