Perfil de Michele Faccoli

Bausola srl per COSMO - Smart Worktable

The Project

In a close collaboration with, we digitally scanned and created a 3D model of Bausola srl's BANCH product, using manual measurements and photographs. This represents a novel approach to the workspace, offering various methods of use and application, which are explained to the audience through a landing page that follows the animation of the worktable.
As you scroll through the page and navigate its sections, you can explore the various joints and mechanisms of them product, all within a real-time 3D model that can also be utilized in AR.

Thank you for watching!

If you are interested in digitalizing your products and have a 3D model running in real time on your website, contact me here or on
If you want to try out this landing page and the 3D model, go to:

Bausola srl per COSMO - Smart Worktable
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Bausola srl per COSMO - Smart Worktable

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