Profil appartenant à Maísa Machado

Fairfield West Plaza

Fairfield West Plaza

Fairfield West Plaza, a local shopping destination, faced the challenge of an outdated visual identity that failed to resonate with its target audience. 
The lack of connection with visitors and a stagnant brand image called for a complete brand and strategy revamp.

The final logo was designed to encapsulate the four primary experiences offered by Fairfield West Plaza: Food, Services, Community, and Shopping. This approach aimed to connect with visitors on a deeper level by showcasing the diverse offerings of the plaza.

The core experiences inspired the creation of a range of graphic assets for both digital and print communications. Illustrations depicting individual shops were designed to communicate the variety of products, services, and produce available. The dynamic nature of the brand was emphasised by designing illustrations in a way that allowed easy incorporation of new elements as new businesses joined the plaza. This ensured the brand's adaptability and relevance over time.

Fairfield West Plaza
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Fairfield West Plaza

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